
Designing Outreach for Impact

Our Mission

Curators Without Borders’ (CWB) mission is to design and implement dynamic and participatory educational exhibitions, outreach, and advocacy campaigns for underserved communities worldwide, in partnership with nonprofits, museums and cultural institutions.

Our Work

Our work addresses a wide range of issues we face as a global community from refugee education and migration to safeguarding cultural heritage and supporting human rights. We prefer to bring our programs into local communities and work with government, museum, and non-profit partners to implement programs and exhibitions. CWB also works on mechanisms for the broader participation of museums and cultural institutions in humanitarian assistance.

Our Goals


CWB’s Executive Director Heidi McKinnon working in Cotzal, Guatemela in 2011

CWB Specializes in three areas of work and impact:
          • Content development and design of exhibitions, programs, and visual advocacy campaigns that educate about contemporary issues.
          • Content development and design of Learning Kiosks and Learning SITEs that use museum collections to deliver non-formal educational solutions for refugee populations.
          • Consulting with museums and agencies on high-impact, participatory outreach programs.